• Did anyone else shave their head for some attention this weekend? [dr.blogstein]
  • What would your Monday be without a blog entry regarding home child birth? Probably the same, if not better, than if you read it. [why don't we get drunk and blog?]
  • We have a hypothesis as to why the Brooklyn Public Library would not want to feature that piece of art... there are two massive, Loch Ness monster-looking dumps floating in that toilet bowl. We understand- art, free expression, sensitive subject matter, "what is art really?", blah blah blah, et al, but really ewww. [englishman in ny]
  • Best suggestion we'll ever give: If you're not at work today (and are into history and shit), head on down to The Fraunces Tavern and get ye olde hammered with revolutionary era ghosts! [metroblog nyc]