In which we find the very best autism stories in the Times so you don't have to go through all the boring ones.

  • First, in the Week in Review, there's some autism in New Jersey (big numbers in 2007 for the Garden State). [Week in Review]
  • Researchers are finding links between bacteria and virii and autism. [Biz]
  • In the magazine, a 14-year-old girl copes with a pair of autistic brothers ("Often Tarah imagines what life would be like were Jason and Justin not autistic."). [NYT Magazine]
  • And, in case you missed Thursday's Home & Garden, a man has Asperger's, but writes a book anyway. ("Mr. Tammet sees himself as an ambassador and advocate for people with autism.") Has he met our pal John Elder Robison? (Who is a very nice guy, by the way.) [Home & Garden]