• A testament to how powerful an impact Tony Robbins can have on NYC cab drivers. [ny cabbie]
  • A testament to how great writers think they are when drunk. [trl: the rob log]
  • A testament to how much importance certain people assign physical objects (our blog author is talking to a cumrag, an actual cumrag) thus legitimizing their craziness to everyone around them. [manhattan offender]
  • A testament to how shocked and envious we are when presented with photographic evidence that real people live in real apartments like this one with great furniture and skyline views and not, you know, views of brick walls and "quaint courtyards" ( i.e. weed ravished heaps of dilapidated concrete sprinkled with cigarette butts). [seantconrad]
  • A testament to the growing power of the Anti-Ugg Boot movement. Related story: We hear Cindy Sheehan is staging a sit-in at one of their factories. Okay, not really. [fast hugs]