TrimSpa CEO Hurt To Learn Anna Nicole Was Purging With The Enemy

Much has been made of a photo revealing Anna Nicole Smith's final refrigerator contents—in particular a Costco-sized bottle of methadone and several cans of Slim-Fast meal replacement shakes. (The French's Worcestershire Sauce and spray-on butter sitting in the door were for some reason ignored, despite well-documented evidence that suggests they cause hearts to instantly explode when ingested together.) [CORRECTION: A representative from Reckitt Benckiser, the parent company of the French's brand of quality, heart-safe condiments, wrote in with this correction: " There is no such documented evidence." We regret this error, and promise that all future—and wholly inaccurate!—jokes involving Worcestershire sauce will be made at the expense of Lea & Perrins.] TrimSpa CEO Alex Goen—who hasn't been this fidgety since an interviewer called to find out who won that Viper in the Million Dollar Makeover Challenge—recently talked to Court TV about the mysterious death of their public face, Anna Nicole Smith:
During a studio interview with Lisa Bloom on Court TV's "Catherine Crier Live," Goen, who was creating a windstorm with his rapid blinking, admitted that if the competitor's product belonged to Anna, "It would definitely be a violation ... it would definitely be one of those things we would question. We would not want her taking any other weight loss products."
Goen (paternity odds: low), comes across as deeply conflicted, at turns both rocked by the betrayal of Anna Nicole venturing outside of the TrimSpa family of products for her appetite-suppressing needs, and dreading the demise of his company once the autopsy reports reveal that Smith died from a "combination of grief-induced stress and fistfuls of mother's little helpers."