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· The WGA awards Michael Arnd's Little Miss Sunshine screenplay their top award, as much for its quirky tragicomic dialogue as for the deftness with which it handled such highly plausible scenarios as Steve Carell, in a scene that gives added meaning to the term "convenience store," running into his former grad student at a Kwik-E-Mart in the middle of nowhere. The Departed took best adapted screenplay. [Variety]
· Helen Mirren snagged the BAFTA for best actress, Forest Whitaker best actor, and The Queen the year's best picture. Alan Arkin, sans fat-suit roles to siphon some of the acclaim, walks away with best supporting, as does Jennifer Hudson, who now officially shits bigger than Simon Cowell. [The Envelope]
· Clint Eastwood thinks Martin Scorsese has a good chance of winning the Oscar because "there is a lot of sympathy for him," but that he "always feel sorry for the others, because...they've worked very hard on their projects, too. I don't think any two people should be singled out." Five, on the other hand, are fine for singling out. [Reuters]
· The Visual Effects Society Awards (the Effexies?) gave Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest six prizes, including the two biggest. The ILM website has a ridiculously cool interactive demonstration of how they did it. [Variety, BoingBoing]
· Cars, Pixar's dark vision of an autopian future in which human beings are bred in subterranean farms and mulched for fuel, grabbed the top Annie award, but DreamWorks' Flushed Away, about the delighful rats who crawl out of toilets while you're going about your business, wins most Annies overall. []