· Don't fault CNN's Jack Cafferty for asking a seemingly snippy question of the network's Master of Mysteriously Deceased Celebrities Ceremonies Wolf Blitzer. Given the staggering pace of the updates following her death, the answer to "Is Anna Nicole Smith still dead, Wolf?" easily could have been, "Actually, Jack, we're hearing that she may have been revived by a voodoo priest and is currently fleeing for the Bahamas on a stolen yacht." [YouTube]
· Having failed thus far to obtain Anna Nicole's autopsied stomach from an insider at the Broward County medical examiner's office, TMZ momentarily settles for posting pictures of Smith's refrigerator in the Bahamas (contents: Methadone, Slim-Fast, yogurt, just like your fridge at home) and of her snuggling with the Bahamian immigration minister, which we're sure is just part of the naturalization process down there. [TMZ, TMZ]
· Cause of death rumors update: MNSBC's Rita Cosby cites the potentially lethal combination of too many pills and too many breast surgeries. [NY Daily News]
· An ET/The Insider crew coaxes tears from lawyer/husband-like companion/Danielynn paternity hopeful Howard K. Stern, while on a plane—had they waited for him to land, Access Hollywood might have scooped them for "first celebrity TV newsmagazine to make Hollywood's most suspicious baby-daddy weep" bragging rights. [YouTube]