To honor Anna Nicole Smith—our last connection to the Golden Era of Hollywood Trainwrecks— we've collected for you some of her greatest recorded moments available on YouTube:

8. For Your Consideration: Jesus
Shortly after the 1999 Oscars, Anna Nicole offered some startlingly lucid thoughts on the ceremonies to an interviewer with a very Jesusy agenda who had managed to infiltrate the otherwise Godless pageant. Smith raves about "the Italy guy"—we'll assume Roberto Benigni—going so far to liken herself to the aisle-eschewing auteur: "When I act like that, people think I'm drunk! But it's just happiness. It flows."

7. Her Heart Belonged To Great-Grandaddy
In her obits, much will be made of Anna Nicole's modeling and acting pursuits, yet little attention will be paid to her singing career. This music video is a good illustration of why.

6. Getting Handsy With The Help
In this video journey, Anna Nicole offers a glimpse into her most intimate thoughts about the hectic, at times thankless, but always erotically fulfilling life of a pin-up model. To the unsung softcore screenwriter who penned the line: "It's almost like masturbatin'. I guess that's why it's also so exhaustin'," we salute you.

5. Do They Bungee In Heaven?
There's plenty in this Howard Stern (the shock jock, not the declared babydaddy) interview with Anna Nicole to give you the willies, from her comments about a bungee excursion ("I've seen people splat and die, and that's my worse fear. I swan dived. My last thoughts were, if I was gonna go, I was gonna go gracefully,") to footage of the actual jump, when, moments before her descent, she tells the cameras, "See you in the next lifetime."

4. The Birth Announcement
Visitors to last year might recall this personal message to her fans, in which she confirmed rumors of the pregnancy that seemed to mark the beginning of the end. This video plays as downright eerie right now, especially when we picture a teenage Dannielynn watching it in 2021. Where are those ducks?

3. Introducing: Dannielynn
We first brought you this thoroughly revolting bit of footage back in November: Dannielynn's big debut, via C-section, yours to experience through the miracle of modern childbirth, and Paramount Television's commitment to paying top dollar to exploit a three-second-old child.

2. Wanna Play?
We've watched this TrimSpa ad—likely the "let's just cobble together the shots where she's actually standing"-product of five days of attempts at shooting a simple diet-pill promo—so many times, not only can we recite the insane promo copy by heart, we've also managed to perfect the shoulder-bobbing seductress dance Anna Nicole performs during the delivery of her now classic bimbo call-to-arms, "Like my body?" And yes, that's the Hard Rock where she died.

1. Make Me Beeeeautifulllll Dueeeetttt
Until yesterday, we thought we'd never have another "where were you when?" moment about Anna Nicole besides November 14, 2004: We were nursing a cold and settling into a self-pitying evening of the American Music Awards. Then it happened: The announcer introduced "supermodel and reality show star Anna Nicole Smith," and 60 seconds later, our lives would never be the same.