Let's be honest, we're all a little broken up about Anna Nicole Smith's untimely exit from this game we call life. But some of us are more upset than others. Take, for instance, Alex Goen, the founder and CEO of TrimSpa. His statement:

Today, Anna Nicole Smith's grief stricken and tumultuous personal life came to an end. Anna came to our Company as a customer, but she departs it as a friend. While life for Anna Nicole was not easy these past few months, she held dear her husband, Howard K. Stern, her daughter, Dannielynn Hope, her most cherished friends, beloved dogs, and finally, her work with TRIMSPA. Anna knew both the joy of giving life, and the heartache of losing a child. We pray that she is granted the peace that eluded her more recent days on earth, and that she find comfort in the presence of her son, Daniel.

Okay, clearly the award for most self-serving press release in the wake of tragedy goes to this guy, but we've got a close runner-up after the jump.

I was wondering if you had any plans for a story in response to the Anna Nicole Smith news today. If so, I work with the Waismann Method - an opiate detoxification center - and I wanted to make available to you two of our addiction specialists, Clare Waismann, Executive Director of the Waismann Method, and Dr. Clifford Bernstein, Medical Director of the Waismann Method. They can provide you with any expert information you may need on drug addiction, specifically methadone, and how a potential overdose might be the cause of death. It's been rumored that Anna Nicole has struggled with this drug for some time. Not to mention that her son died from a lethal dose of methadone and antidepressants not too long ago.

Please let me know if you or one of your colleagues is interested and I will schedule a phone interview with Clare or Dr. Bernstein. I can be reached at xxx and xxx.


David Galbraith
Formula PR
1215 Cushman Avenue, Suite 200
San Diego, California 92110

If you've seen anything that you think tops these, by all means pass it along.

TrimSpa site [via gigglesugar]