• Fox to do for business what it's done for the Republican party: Convince gullible yahoos that it isn't a soulless machine out to exploit the most vulnerable members of our society for the benefit of those who were born with all of life's advantages in the first place. [NYT]
  • Maer Roshan: "Ron Burkle's pumping way more than 8 mil into Radar." [NYP]
  • Rupert Murdoch: "I axed Judy Regan because she wasn't a team player. Also, we were catching a lot of shit for that book, and someone had to take the fall." [NYDN]
  • GE CEO Jeff Immelt: Isn't selling NBC/Universal, could care less what Jack Welch thinks about Jeff Zucker. [AdAge]
  • America, America: "Much TV coverage was extended when Gerald Ford died; I, like many people, was not alive when Ford was president, and sadly, I know Anna Nicole better than Ford. Cable news shouldn't feel guilty for covering something that is news." [TVNewser]
  • Whatever will become of TrimSpa now that Anna Nicole Smith is gone? [NYP]