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Our feverish excitement about Fash Week has led us to peek into some darker nooks and crannies of the internet than usual; here's a nugget we turned up about socialite Claire Bernard, who mingled with the 'Tinz et al at that One Scottsdale/Vogue Italia party last night.

Meanwhile, One Scottsdale, the latest luxury mega-mall, celebrated Fashion Week far from its Arizona home—like any good tourist—with drinks at Amy Sacco's Bette. Amongst the crowd, co-hosts Tinsley Mortimer and Theodora Richards greeted friends like Annie Churchill and Claire Bernard (taking a night off from doing homework for her MFA at Columbia).

We flipped through the student directory, and sure enough, Claire's on her way to becoming a bona fide Writer with a capital W! We can only hope that she'll heed Cary Tennis's words of wisdom, and not rely on her writing to support her.

Fashion On Site [WWD]

Earlier:Breaking: Creative Writing MFA Student Unconvinced Of Own Brilliance