• CNBC is backing Maria Bartiromo because, really, what else do you know about CNBC apart from Maria Bartiromo? [NYT]
  • How the Sulzbergers could tell Morgan Stanley to eat a bag of dicks. [Slate]
  • Were he still in charge at GE, Jack Welch would fire Jeff Zucker, fuck his wife. [NYM]
  • Shockingly, right wing news organizations may not be completely dedicated to things like "facts" or "truth," especially if they can smear Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama at the same time. [NYT]
  • Cash for Kaus! [ETP]
  • Bill Keller is getting on top of his crippling blog addiction. [Marketwatch]
  • Will Bauer's Cocktail Weekly work? Given how even the smartest women we know think nothing of buying dumbass lady magazines that make them feel like there's something wrong with them, we're guessing yes. [AdAge]
  • Human embodiment of evil likes Internet. [Forbes]
  • Someone at Time Inc. leaves the building without a security escort. [WWD]
  • Sumner Redstone on Spielberg, Katzenberg, and Geffen: "We do not treat them as employees, we treat them as co-workers." Guess that means they better buy something like MySpace soon. [LAT]