• In all fairness, the writers of the Esquire-Marie Clare sex survey left off the ever important "I think?" that followed "A little" in 87% of those women's responses (attributed to the fact that when they agreed to anal they were "completely smashed" and as a result "sort of remember it"). [redacted]
  • Pluses: no one will smell your farts anymore. Minuses: anyone who looks at your ass will think you shit your pants. [copyranter]
  • The blog entry? So-so. The photo of the blogger? The best thing that has happened to my eyes so far this week! [why don't we get drunk and blog?]
  • Did you too feel the momentary high of thinking this read "R.I.P. Pete Doherty"? Wasn't that rad? Uh, major bummer about Denny though. Eeesh. [papermag blogs]
  • As a matter a fact, I am enjoying a slice of some delicious weblog toast this very moment. Cinnamon raisin, but not those raisins. [dooce]