Cirque Du Anna Nicole: More Unpaid Bills And A Possible Cover-Up

Chapter headings continue to pile-up for the yet-to-be-written bestseller entitled My Nightmare Year: How I Lost a Son, Gained a Daughter, and Found True Love, by Anna Nicole Smith (as told to a ReganBooks-appointed ghostwriter). The Bahamian inquest into the death of her son is set for March 26. TMZ reported earlier this week that 20 witnesses, including Smith and Howard K. Stern, are being called to testify, and that another will testify they saw Stern give Daniel the methadone that killed him, then "[flush] the remaining methadone down the toilet after Daniel died." Now, a Bahamian law firm Smith hired shortly after the death to handle her affairs is suing her for their fees:
Callenders, based in Nassau, secured an injunction from the Bahamas Supreme Court forbidding Smith to reduce the balance in her local bank accounts below $125,000.
Attorney Tracy Ferguson said Smith had repeatedly failed to pay fees due her company. [...]
In an affidavit, Ferguson said she believed Smith had the funds to pay "but that she has a total aversion to paying her bills and that she will seek to avoid paying the fees by any means that occur to her, including by sending her money within this jurisdiction abroad."
This wouldn't be the first time Smith has failed to meet her financial obligations: As her fingernails carved a trail of deep grooves into the door frame of the Bahamian estate from which she was being forcefully carried out, Smith insisted that the home was a gift from an ex-boyfriend. In the case of these unpaid legal bills, however, the "But the lawyer man said if I bounce on him for a couple weeks we could work something out!" defense will probably prove even weaker this time around.