Golden Globes TableHopperWatch: Brad Grey Loves Your Movie The Most

Obviously looking to stir up some trouble, an anonymous tipster dropped us this note about the conspicuous table-hopping activities of Paramount emperor Brad Grey, whose various fiefdoms came away with awards for Dreamgirls and Babel:
Word on the street is that ever confident (vertically challenged?) Paramount Czar Brad Grey forced himself upon not one, but two tables at the Globes ceremony last night. Apparently he wanted to be seen at both the Dreamgirls Table AND the Babel Table... Without mentioning names, it seems that he caused a major pain in the ass for several people and displaced the guests of other key figures (talent specifically).
While constant table-flitting is an accepted staple of Globes schmoozing, we imagine it would be annoying to return after a quick trip to the bar and discover Grey plopped in your seat, and have to stand impatiently nearby until he's finished telling your tablemates that he doesn't care how big a favorite "that overrated musical" might be, he's pulling for Babel to eventually win the Oscar because he "loves a good underdog. Unless my Departed eligibility comes through, in which case I'm pulling for that one so that I don't have to feel dirty about playing favorites at the day job."