Sacha Baron Cohen's Further Thoughts On Ken Davitian's Anus

Showing the same kind of unfailing dedication to a comedy bit that led the actor to never launder his trademark gray suit or properly use Western-style bodily waste elimination devices during months of in-character press obligations (while Fox publicists undoubtedly tired of toting takeaway feces bags for excited journalists, the exacting actor demanded they be available for all junket participants), Borat star Sacha Baron Cohen offered this behind-the-scenes look at how co-star's Ken Davitian's anus—the subject of Cohen's Golden Globes victory speech—not only made his performance possible, but nearly turned their movie into a faux-documentary snuff film:
"There was a little sign that I was going to show (director) Larry Charles, which was that when I ran out of air when Ken was sitting on my face, I would tap on the bed three times," he said. "But Larry was so engrossed ... he didn't notice I was dying under Ken's anus."
With Oscar ballots already due this past Saturday, Cohen's sudden heralding of his co-star's crucial contribution to his lead performance can't land the too-long-unsung, supporting taint its own Academy nomination; the best recognition that Ken Davitian's suffocating anus can hope for is that Cohen somehow pulls off an Oscar win, then summons his collaborator to the stage and invites him to sit on his face, allowing hundreds of millions of worldwide viewers to watch as the triumphant actor attempts to mumble his acceptance speech into Davitian's enveloping anal cavity.