Anna Nicole Smith's Amazing Photo-Shopping Baby

MSNBC gossipoid Jeanette Walls has a "source" who claims that Anna Nicole Smith is shopping "exclusive" photos of baby daughter Dannielyn Hope to various tabloids, selling them to the highest bidder, and using the cash to finance her Bahamian lifestyle. This would seem perfectly in line with Smith's earlier commercial efforts, from her dead son to fake wedding to poignant Caesarian video. If she's indeed selling the pics — and we have a hard time believing she could be pulling down Suri Cruise money — then where are they? The only real shot of wee Dannielyn out there is the crop from the widely seen AP photo at right. Are we to believe the tabs are waiting for just the right, tasteful moment to run the photos? Far be it from us to suggest that Walls is being played with a planted tip, but given that her item ends with a reaction quote from Smith's nemesis (and self-claimed babydaddy) Larry Birkhead, the photos' lack of publication seems telling. But Anna Nicole, if you're reading this, we'll trade you the shots (or the baby) for some T-shirts.