Bahamas Inches Closer To Deciding Whether Or Not Daniel Smith's Fatal Methadone Overdose Seemed Fishy

Behold the slow-spinning wheels of Island Justice, as an investigation by the Bahamian police department into the fatal overdose of Anna Nicole Smith's 20-year-old son Daniel back in September has at last been presented to the D.A's office, bringing them that much closer to a decision over whether or not a formal inquest into the death will be necessary. Director of Public Prosecutions Bernard Turner defends the delay:
"Every matter has to be investigated based on the peculiarities of that case. You have to keep in mind that although he died in the Bahamas, he had only arrived here a few hours earlier, so this ended up not being an entirely local matter," Turner said.
Fair enough: The last thing any of us would want to see was a rush to judgement, and if it took Nassau P.D. some extra time to sift through piles of hospital refuse in order to unearth the smoking gun lynchpin of their case—say, an empty tub of Costco methadone upon which was scrawled the Sharpie warning, "Mommy's Aug-Sept. Happy Helpers Supply: NO DIPPING, DANNY!!!"—then perhaps the long wait for justice will have been worthwhile.