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Oh, those nutty viral marketers! Adrants thinks this site, which purports to be collecting celebrity pubic hair for charity, is the work of some razor company or other, and they're probably right. Witness their pitch:

As a result of a very successful direct campaign, celebrities from all over the world send us their pubes daily. We mount them, and offer them to you. All pubes are autographed by their donor. Needless to say, every piece is a unique work of art, A priceless collectible beyond anything ever seen or heard of before.

Yeah, we certainly don't buy this as a genuine charity effort. We mean, we're gonna go ahead and re-put it out there: it's 2007. Who the hell still has pubic hair?

Celebrity Pubic Hair Collected To Aid Charity [Adrants]
Pubes Aid: The World's Least Expected Aid
Earlier: Bukiluki Hair Dye Makes Us Briefly Consider 'Ugly Betty' Joke