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A friend passes along this email from deep inside the bowels of [marketing type place], which he assures us is not a joke:

[Marketing Person]
Date: 2007/01/02 Tue AM 10:04:09 CST
To: [Marketing Person]
Subject: I need song suggestions

Dear Music lovers and makers from my online address book,

I'm trying to come up with a theme song to pump up a group of corporate execs at their annual conference. Something like ACDC's "Back in Black"would be good, but any kind of genre is okay. They need to hear a message like, "get out of our way." You know, something real tough guy. Arrogant. Fierce. Any ideas?

thank you!
[Marketing Person]

We wish we could come up with some suggestions, but we can't get the Gawker HQ theme song* out of our head. But please, leave your thoughts in the comments.

*Hint: it's the 6th track on If You're Feeling Sinister.