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Rather than rely on a method more appropriate for the public's interest level in their event, like scrawling the names of their honorees on a series of Post-It notes, affixing them to the door of the Guild's office, and letting any concerned members of the media wander by at their convenience to discover the identities of this year's lucky thespians, SAG insisted on the needless formality of calling an early morning press conference to announce the nominations for the 13th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards. This year's Saggies—considered by the industry to be the leading indicator of who will stand behind a podium on TNT (and TBS! Live!) on the last Sunday in January and gush speeches about how "this award really means the most to me, because it comes from my incredibly talented peers, who know exactly how much hard work goes into this sacred craft of ours"—contain few surprises, recognizing Leonardo DiCaprio for both Blood Diamond and The Departed (though in different categories, avoiding the kind of draining Leo vs. Leo faceoff he'll be subjected to at the Golden Globes), Helen Mirren's year of utter domination over all other cinematic monarchs, and the Dreamgirls ensemble for not setting back their profession by murdering one another off-camera in tragic fits of diva-fueled jealousy. Round-ups of the announcement are here, here, and here, and the full list of winners is here, should you wish to take a moment to recognize the performers you will likely decline to watch claim their statues on basic cable on January 28th.

[Photo: Getty Images]