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  • Julia Roberts, according to Page Six's ever-infallible sources, is once more enceinte. [Page Six]
  • Some "domestic diva" or other hits on ladies when she's drunk. What else can Ben Widdicombe say? Everyone is gay. [Gatecrasher, last item]
  • Mike Tyson arrested; charged with DUI, cocaine possession, and extreme predictability. [TMZ]
  • Trump and Rosie used to be friends, a long time ago. [E! Planet Gossip]
  • Ashlee Simpson "[rubs] salt in [Jessica's] similar looking but kind of cuter wound" by twatting around with a doggelganger. [MollyGood]
  • Kim Kardashian "no sex tape" blah blah. Side note: in this pic, doesn't Paris kind of resemble the nympho granny character from There's Something About Mary? [HollyScoop]