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PAUL BOUTIN — Why suffer a diet or slog through another article on "2007 Ways to Fast Forward Your Career?" SVUG has a five-minute Valley makeover you can start right now at your desk.

To cash in on next year's bubble, you'll need to raise your profile and slash time spent not selling out. SVUG's four-week archive already holds three links to start with. We've rewritten them shorter below, to get you out of the office in time for the last weekend of 2006. Pop each site open in a new window and sign up at all three now. Your resolution for 2007: Instead of the gym, hit each one daily.

  • Google Reader — If you don't use RSS to speed-read your favorite websites, this is the way to start. The Reader displays all articles from each site on one super-fast page. Plus it looks like you're checking mail instead of goofing off. SVUG #12 lists four insider feeds to read.
  • linkedIn — Fill out the easy job-hunter's form on the network where members hit on you professionally, not personally. See SVUG #3 for quick-start instructions.
  • WordPress — Yes, you're getting a blog, but only so hiring managers can find and contact you. You'll seem more Webby than other prospects, without actually wasting time online. SVUG #7 explains how not to get fired for blogging.

Speaking of which, SVUG's resolution for 2007 is to not talk about blogging. So here's a final bullet dump of everything I know about how to make it work for you as a Valley tech professional:

  • Whatever software you use, stick to the defaults and focus on posting, not customizing.
  • Unless you're blogging anonymously, use your full name in your blog's title or subtitle.
  • Too busy to write? Post a news link about your neighborhood or business sector every few days. I've creaked by that way for years.
  • When in doubt, avoid personal commentary. Follow each link with a non-committal "Heh," or "Indeed."

Follow those steps and you won't get famous, but by March 31 you'll discover that half your coworkers and friends check you daily. Beats working!