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In response to the crashing price of heroin versus the increasing luxurification of grass, we asked the few of you bothering to read (or sober enough to understand) what you're paying these days for your junk. A few scattered answers after the jump, ranging from depressing social commentary to unfair aspersions on British character actors.

i can tell you that a gram of heroin is about $150-$200. you might think its kind of cheap, but when you realize that you're doing about a gram a day, you understand why so many of us junkies turn to a life of crime. weed is better, smoke weed.

Firstly, cocaine has recently been around $60 a gram, sometimes $70. Heroin's staying put at $10-$15 a bag, and a bag usually weighs around 15 milligrams. Secondly, from that article: "Fortunately, opiate addiction is much more treatable (using substitution therapies such as methadone and buprenorphine) than cocaine or methamphetamine addiction." What the fuck? Yeah, there are multiple *treatment options*, but that doesn't mean it's easier to destroy a serious addiction for good. Maybe meth is tough, but it's relatively easy to get over an addiction to blow. Who the hell is this pencildick Mark Kleiman? Douchebag.

Pot will only cost you that much if you're trying to cop ridiculous, 1/2 hit and you're stone aged stuff in larger quantities. Around here (Chicago), a g of Michael Caine and an 1/8th of Mary Jane cost around the same price.

I get my Peruvian Snowflake through a delivery service that is run by a Dominican-American named Angel (what else?) and his posse. I believe they are based in Spanish Harlem. I get what amounts to about two grams for $100. It's pretty consistent in quality and for his really good customers, he even offers customer credit. He'll also throw in a free $50 bag for every ten $100 bags you buy. Finally, a useful customer rewards program!

Perhaps the start of a new pricing index? Service journalism you can use. Also, Angel: call us.

Earlier: Weed Now the Glamorous, Expensive Habit