A different tipster writes:

With respect to your Beatrice Inn "situation". People are idiots and a lot of people know a little about too much. [It's our business model. -Ed.]

As suspected your concerned tipster did not do his research. The license they noted on the NYSLA website was for the previous establishment. Since getting a new license is difficult, the new owners likely bought out the old business used a temporary license, while awaiting their new application:

This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

You can go to the NYSLA website and check it out. These days no one is that stupid, or cool to open a true speakeasy. The risks from no insurance, lawsuits and potential jail are too great, although a little "hard time" may provide young Paul a chance to follow in his sister's footsteps....

While this doesn't explain the whole "no working kitchen" thing, we're inclined to accept it. And really, we're relieved: Now we know the kids at Radar can have their holiday party this Friday in peace.

Earlier:Irresponsible Rumormongering: Beatrice Inn Licenseless?