In this jingly, tingly edition of the stalk: Brandon Davis and Paris Hilton, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prince Jr, Elisha Cuthbert & Jesse Bradford, Matt McConaughey, Alec Baldwin, Anderson Cooper, Hillary Clinton, Molly Shannon, Jon Stewart, Amy Sedaris, Matthew Broderick and James Wilkie, Keanu Reeves, Ethan Hawke, Kyra Sedgewick, Cisco Adler, Hillary Swank, Clint Eastwood, Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale, Ron and Cheryl Howard, Peter Dinklage, Jamie-Lynn Sigler, Justin Chatwin, George Hamilton, and a, uh, "kind of attractive" Mike Meyers.

12.12, Henri Bendel (56th and 5th): Paris Hilton and Firecrotch originator Brandon Davis at Henri Bendel, presumably doing a little Christmas shopping. First saw Brandon downstairs, hoodie over his head, looking like Elvis in his final days — bloated, greasy, and droopy-eyed. He was on the phone, saying "Are you still on the 2nd floor? Bitch, let's go!" Next up, Paris. I passed her on the stairway, I was walking up, she was walking down, presumably responding to Elvis's request. Had a security-type holding her stupid dog, and she was wearing a blue sweatsuit and sunglasses that looked like she had just exited cataract surgery. Same outfit she's wearing in today's Post. Zero makeup, very pale skin, rough complexion. Tall and super skinny. Willing to admit I wish Britney had been with them.

At 10pm last night I saw Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prince Jr. at Stanton Social sitting in the corner booth closest to the door. They were sitting with another couple. SMG looked awesome and Freddie looked bored...

Last night (Tuesday, December 12th at 8:30pm) I saw Elisha Cuthbert & Jesse Bradford sitting on a subway bench talking at the S train stop at Grand Central Station. They were in between takes while filming there new movie My Sassy Girl. Elisha was looking smoking hot wearing a dark jacket, grey scarf and knee high boots. I don't remember what Jesse was wearing. Jeans maybe?

My coworker was walking near the Good Morning America building and saw Matt McConaughey signing autographs at 8 AM today. She walked between he and his publicist who was saying he had no more time. She turned around and salivated; apparently he's hotter in person than he is onscreen. Nice tan, apparently.

Last night had dinner w/ a bunch of my buddies at Blue Hill and we sat behind Alec Baldwin, of Bloviating fame. His hair was wacky and spiked. On the plus side, he provided us with a quality visual - he was with a super-sexy long-haired brunette, very exotic looking, probably a model? He got up to kiss her across the table...awww...what a romantic. Got his dessert with his meal! Then we got to talk to him when we went to hang out by the bathroom when she got up to go. All in all, a cool sighting.

1:30 Sunday December 10th—Anderson Cooper having was at the table next to us at Atelier in The Ritz (50 Central Park South). He was with another (not as nice looking) guy who said "Oh sorry, I didn't even offer to pay" as they were standing to walk out. Anderson rolled his eyes, shook his head and said "oh, it's ok."

Hillary Clinton + entourage, on a JetBlue flight out of JFK at 7 am, 12/11. Heading to Rome, NY - supposedly 'under the wire'. Took about 20 people with her, including Secret Service. Wanted no 'special treatment' and was treated like every other catered Jet Blue flight. Was very nice to all of the staff and crew and shook hands with everyone.

Walking down 8th Avenue around 7pm on Tuesday night, and approaching Balducci's on the corner of 14th Street. I spot a woman with a double-stroller, taking 2 of her kids out, one at a time. As I pass, ready to offer help up the stairs - some random dude says to her "I love you Molly." Molly Shannon responded "Oh, that's so sweet" and I just kept walking. Kids were cute and she looked fit/skinny. This past Saturday in the late morning, at the very same store - Jon Stewart, with wife and kid. Looked adorable and casual - the usual scrumptious self.

Amy Sedaris is at St. Marks books (12/11 7:30pm) just signing copies of her book. Nice enough but looks a lot worse in person then she does in her slutty headshots with sprinkles covering her genitals.

Just saw Matthew Brodrick at christopher street and 7th ave. He and James Wilkie, who is such a cutie and incredibly active, were crossing the street. Pretty much one of my favorite celebrity sitings. Paris on the 5th floor at bergdorf sporting baseball cap sunglasses jeans and slippers. i guess that explains why she was rummaging the size 11 sale shoes while all of belongings were scattered around her. she is shorter than i imagined, very stumpy lower body..looked funny in jeans.

Saw Keanu Reeves on December 11 at 6pm at the Housing Works Bookstore Cafe on 126 Crosby St. Bought several books about number theory. Looked like schlub. A cute schlub, but still a schlub.

Just saw Ethan Hawke getting off the 1 train at Lincoln Center. Carrying very tatty manbag, wearing a horrible flat cap, hair sticking out all over the place... but still very cute.

Walking to work this morning, passed Kyra Sedgewick. Almost missed her - she's adorable, super petite, beautiful with no make-up and had her hair in a cute, messy ponytail. Casually dressed. Probably running morning errands.

Mischa's main man Cisco Adler of Whitestarr dropped into the Monday night karaoke party @ 205 club last night, complete with his entourage of swaggering hipsters and the infamous Tony Potato-(who unfortunately drunkenly hijacked the microphone several times & stripped to a bare, doughy chest). Someone said that MTV was also with his crew, but not sure. Cisco crooned out "Easy" and some other favorites, and helped out the crowd on their songs as well... He seemed true blue to Mischa & paid no mind to the swooning hiplets that surrounded him...

While at Barney's on Tuesday, December 12th at around 3pm, I saw Hilary Swank on the 9th Floor Home Department wearing leggings and Uggs...ugh! She was with some other woman also wearing Uggs. When we were leaving we saw Matt Lauer getting into an elevator.

Saw Clint Eastwood at the corner of 64 th Street and Madison avenue. Walking and talking with another gentleman. That man sure made my day. Still looks great and smells good too.

We spotted Gwen Stefani, Gavin Rossdale and their son at Babbo last night (Dec. 11) around 9:30pm.
Saw Terrence Howard at the W Hotel in midtown last night. He looked great and I told him was amazing in Crash.

Ron and Cheryl Howard, @ Central Park West and 88th Street, 12:30 pm December 13th, walking in the rain, they looked so cute together.

Peter Dinklage walking out of 60 Thompson. Looked cool in all black, scruffy face....but so much shorter than I ever thought! Boy, is he SHORT!

Saw Jamie-Lynn Sigler eating lunch at the square diner in tribeca with a bleached blonde friend. looks like she and her friend both had coffees and had split hash browns or something like that. The friend then ordered a toasted blueberry muffin. jamie-lynn was laughing and dressed casually, with no makeup. i've seen her around the meatpacking district before and she looked the happiest i've seen her-all smiles, chatting with her friend.

And at a table behind us, Justin Chatwin (War of the Worlds) was sitting with two guys. He looked HOT! All the girls in the place were staring at him.

Spotted George Hamilton wobbling out of Tumi on Madison & 54th today at 2:30pm. No doubt shopping for luggage for his travels south of the equator for more sun. His mantan shined out in the middle of the street supplying all the sunshine needed on this grey day.

In case you care, this past Thursday night, at The Spotted Pig (around 10:30pm) - Mike Meyers having dinner with some non-descript dude. No hockey stick in sight. Actually, looked kind of attractive, with a full set of hair.