Glendale Police Department Risks Wrath Of Angry Sun God With Nicole Richie DUI Arrest

We enjoy little more than the hilarious mismatch of news headline and illustrating photo, especially one that misidentifies, however briefly, an eighty-five-pound reality TV star as a rippling-torsoed Mayan high priest. The LAT quickly fixed the error (screen-captured above by an alert reader), by replacing it with Nicole Richie's actual, far inferior mugshot, but not before we imagined the notoriously frail star, still in the throes of a Vicodin-and-THC-induced high, threatening to cut out her booking officer's heart and show the still-beating organ to the entire Glendale Police Department, promising that the affront of a DUI arrest would spell their doom at the hands of Kinich Ahau, the Sun God.