In this short-n-sweet edition of The Stalk: Andy Samberg, Chris Parnell, Kevin Nealon, Mike Myers, Dave Chappelle, Peter Dinkage, Lenny Kravitz and Shawn Wayans, John Hodgman, Adrian Grenier, Matthew Broderick, Molly Sims, Moby, Diane Von Furstenburg, Huey Lewis, and, uh, Rep. Dick Gephardt.

Just before 11 p.m. I saw Andy Samberg riding downtown on the V with a couple friends. He had on thick-rimmed glasses and a bad case of bead head. So hot. One of his friends was talking very animatedly and kept making scissors gestures with his hands.

Bumped into SNL's Chris Parnell in Grand Central Terminal today, the 42nd street entrance near Papyrus. Sadly, the cupcake I was carrying was from Little Pie, not Magnolia.

Two SNL sightings this evening. Around 7 p.m. I passed Kevin Nealon heading uptown on 6th about a block up from NBC. He was wearing a camel colored wool coat and talking on his cell.

Mike Myers at Mario Batali's Otto Pizzeria, seated immediately and dining at around 8:30pm with a male friend. Looking quite homely, wrapped up in drab clothes and a floppy hat. In town for a one-night only theatrical performance.

Dave Chappelle at 205 chrystie and stanton around 3 a.m. with an entourage of about 5. all came in a g wagon. he's acting really akward.

I saw the Station Agent, Peter Dinklage, decked out in sunglasses and beard, earphones, walking with shopping bag. Corner of 17th and 5th.

Saw Lenny Kravitz and Shawn Wayans at Nobu, wed. night. dining separately. franklin and hudson. lenny was cute, low-key, eating with a middle aged man while the wayans table was having fun and a little rowdy.

7pm, 12/6. John Hodgman of The Daily Show & Mac vs. PC commercials on the downtown C trainat 103rd. Looked like a UPS truck driver in brown puffy jacket and brown pants! Cutie.

Last night I sat right next to a booth (12/06) with Adrian Grenier at Arturo' s, the pizza place on Houston. He was with three women, and one blonde in particular seemed to be is girlfriend as they shared several kisses. He looked great-his hair was shorter than I have seen it on " Entourage."

Saw Matthew Broderick at the Christopher Street subway stop in the Village with his son this morning. He got on the 1 train uptown. Cute kid, looks more like his mom I think.

I saw Molly Sims at Anthropologie in Soho (W. Broadway and Broome St.) yesterday, December 7th at 5pm. Not as tall in person as you would think. Also: older-looking. I don't know if anyone recognized her.

Moby hanging at Galapagos last night in Brooklyn to see underground sensation alexcalibur!

Diane Von Furstenburg at Barbutto last night in W. Village around 8pm having dinner.

I went to see Spring Awakening on Broadway last evening (December 6). I milled around the front of the theater (49th Street between Broadway and 8th) chatting with friends and one of the last people to leave the show was Huey Lewis. He stayed a few minutes to sign autographs and let people take pictures with cell phones.

Then, as we walked down Broadway toward 42 Street, Rep. Dick Gephardt (former Presidential candidate) was getting out of a limousine at Broadway and 47 Street. He looked very polished with lots of makeup.