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We thought that all of the intramural tension between stranded CBS Corp employees rendered nothing more than unwanted tenants by the Great Viacom/CBS Schism of 2006 and their Paramount landlords would have worked itself out by now, but this report from a member of the Melrose lot's untouchable caste indicates that the holiday season, normally a time for people to put aside their differences over some spiked eggnog and mistletoe-enabled makeout sessions, seems to be providing a fresh opportunity for CBS staffer persecution:

Every year Paramount has its annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony with food, non-alcoholic drinks, carolers and lots of corporate high-fiving. Ever since the split CBS has still been able to attend, as well as the Paramount Christmas Party. But this year, no such luck. Apparently they are going to be forcing people to show their ID's and have a list of names ready to block any CBS lowlifes from entering the mostly corny ceremony. The only reason anyone goes is for the free grub and a chance to gawk at the Christmas Tree. Most CBS people have been shuttled off the lot, but those of us who still exist are itching to get off. We're not demanding iPods like last year, so what's wrong with extending us some fucking eggnog? I hope someone pees on the tree.

If Paramount is indeed excluding CBSers from their party (we have no idea how they'd enforce the ban without barricading a big part of the lot), we can't recommend that those angry over their snubbing crash the event; Paramount emperor Brad Grey undoubtedly will have instructed his Santa-suit-clad security force to execute all interlopers by hanging them from the branches of the huge tree until dead, rendering them grisly ornaments celebrating his power.