Lux, the large Himalayan cat who became famous earlier this month when he chased his family into a bedroom and trapped them there until they called 911, is in trouble. His owners had a county shelter pick him up Monday, and are unsure whether they'll keep the cat.

But Animal Planet's "Cat Whisperer," Jackson Galaxy (no doubt smelling a massive publicity opportunity) is going to intervene in Lux's case. He plans to visit the Portland couple who own the cat, Lee Palmer and Theresa Barker, on the upcoming season of My Cat From Hell.

The show starts up again in April. Meanwhile, Lux's fate is up in the air.

"They are wrestling with the decision whether to keep the cat," said Mike Oswald, director of the Multnomah County Animal Services shelter. The family was supposed to make a decision on Tuesday, but hasn't announced anything or returned reporters' phone calls.

According to Multnomah County, its open door shelter is not a "no-kill" facility, although "adoptable animals are given as much time as needed to be placed in a home or to be transferred to one of our community adoption partner agencies."

The shelter website says Lux hasn't yet been placed up for adoption.

Update: Lux has returned home. Kinja user Rob Ottone emailed the shelter with an offer to adopt the cat, and got this response: "Lux has gone back to his owners. If, at any point, he comes back to our shelter and is made available for adoption, we will issue a press release."

[H/T: UPI, Photo Credit: Oregonian/Multnomah County]