In this lite, carb-free edition of the old-fashioned style stalk: Monica Lewinsky, Parker Posey, Michelle Williams, Hugh Jackman, Barbara Bush (the twin), Julianne Moore, Kate Bosworth, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ethan Hawke, Jamie Fox, Andre 3000, Anderson Cooper, Helen Mirren and Taylor Hackford, Rachel Weisz and Darren Aronofsky, Tim Robbins, Mos Def, Demetri Martin, Joss Stone, Jon Stewart, Lou Dobbs, Malcolm Gladwell, the 'Toos, Jimmy Fallon, Adrian Grenier, Hulk Hogan, John Leguizamo, Goldie Hawn, Maury Povich and Connie Chung.

8:10 am STARBUCKS 57th (6th & 7th) noticed a very zaftig girl at starbucks on 57th bet 6th & 7th looking for a seat with a huge white mug...she asked for a mug? How pretentious! wearing all black, sneakers, no make-up. short fat fingers. I thought "Sorry fatty, no seats for you!" as some older man offered her a seat, and then I noticed: it was Monica Lewinsky!!!
She seemed very insecure...sat with her back to the window. About 3 years ago we ran in the same social circles...we had eye contact but she quickly looked away...she probably thought I was a reporter LOL. Not sure what she was drinking but I'm sure it was very fattening...also, a plain toasted bagel...lotsa carbs for fatty!

Today (Saturday 12/12) was quite a day for the sightings. At about 12PM, was walking in between 4th and 3rd avenue on 12th street and called a little white sort of cute dog a "stinker". Turns out the little stinker's leash was attached to Parker Posey's hand. Two hours later saw a very beautiful and petite Michelle Williams and a friend on Mulberry and Houston, probably coming from the Young Designers Market. Thirty minutes later nearly had a heart attack when I spotted Hugh Jackman walking with his family north on Mulberry at Prince, including a lady whose hand he was holding who appeared to be his mother. He is tall and delicious and his voice sounds like that of a king.

Barbara Bush (The twin) November 29, 6:30pm, 96th and 5th Ave: She checked me into the "Antiques of the Future" book signing at the Cooper Hewitt Museum. Very sweet. And really much more attractive than I had thought she would be. Actually, really attractive and really nice. Very gracious.

Friday, December 01, 2006 1:15 pm, 597 Hudson St: Saw Julianne Moore with her husband and daughter at The Bus Stop Caf . Her daughter was ridiculously cute, and Julianne is beautiful even without makeup.

3:30pm: Saw Kate Bosworth at 57th & 5th, looking especially skeletal and possibly sporting a wig (has her real hair fallen out?). She needs a sandwich and she apparently lives in midtown. Gross all around.

Saw Gwyneth Paltrow at Edwards on W. Broadway in Tribeca this past Saturday having breakfast with 2 men. Looked like a business meeting.

I saw Ethan Hawke last night at Trestle in Chelsea, about 10pm. He was sitting at the bar with some non-descript, shorthaired blonde. They didn't appear affectionate at all. It seemed like he was also with with a buddy, who looked like he might be 'someone", but none of us could name him. The friend was lanky and kinda cute. As for Mr. Hawke, he looked bloate, chubby and greasy - his hair was combed back and long, and looked it hadn't been washed since the spring. He has a big head. His moustache still hasn't grown in. If you ask me, Uma is far better off without him.

Jamie Fox and friends at Mr. Chow 57th wearing his sunglasses at night.

I spotted Andre 3000, while i was shopping in american apparel in columbus circle. he walked around a bit talked to a few customers, and even took a few pictures before he retreated back into the mandrin oriental. and of course his outfit was fabulous.

Spent my first time in NYC this weekend. Went with a firend to Viynl on 9th and 51st on Saturday at 1:30pm to get Thai food and guess who we saw inside looking as fine as ever...The Silver Fox of CNN himself Anderson Cooper. Wearing a black tee, navy blue coat and dark jeans and a light blue baseball cap to accent those baby blue eyes. So much more handsome in person.

Helen Mirren and Taylor Hackford were all over each other in line at Balthazar this morning around 10:00. She had major bedhead, which only added to her sexiness. He looks like an ewok. Both were really nice to a bubbly, verbose teen girl who saw Mirren in 'Teaching Mrs. Tingle' and wanted to know if she attended Katie Holmes's wedding (Mirren's answer was no).

Rachel Weisz, Darren Aronofsky, & baby, looking cozy and casual, were coming out of Kate's Paperie on Broadway around 1:30. Cute family.

Madison Square Garden, Dec. 1, 8:00pm: Saw Tim Robbins at the Tenacious D Concert at MSG, sitting stage side. Came alone, but may have been sitting with daughters/nieces? Glasses, leather jacket, and his hair's getting long...

Mos Def was in Union on Spring Street and w. broadway last night, skateboard in hand, talking to the sales clerks about beating up Michael Richards. Cool!

I had a sighting .. and what a sighting it was. Demetri Martin, looking hot as usual, walking on sixth ave. around 9th st., on his cell phone. yum.

Saw and spoke with Joss Stone on Saturday, November 2nd at 4:20 pm. She walked out of a head shop on West 4th after getting her right ear cartilage pierced. She was very nice and friendly, beautiful, and didn't mind taking a picture with us. She was over 6 feet tall with shoes on. Looked and dressed just like an NYU student.

12/3 @ 5:00 6th avenue at 12th st: Jon Stewart strolling down 6th Avenue with his wife and child.

Noon, columbus circle: a very tall and thinner-than-you-think Lou Dobbs of CNN standing just outside the Columbus Circle Mall having a friendly chat with 2 cops.

11/30/06 — Not that anyone cares, but saw Malcolm Gladwell of Blink fame on the Union Square N platform looking like a 30-something hiptard having had done whatever David Guest did to his face.

At Barney's Madison Ave. today around 12:20 I rode the elevator to 9 with Atoosa and 4 older men and women. (have no idea who they were) They all headed towards Fred's...Perhaps for lunch to discuss Atoosa's her new plan for taking over the world...

Jimmy Fallon and scruffy male friend waiting for a table at neighborhood home cooking restaurant, Penelope. He dressed the part, but still looked like a rock star. They left shortly after finding out that they would have to wait for a table.

Just spotted Adrian Grenier, "Vincent Chase from Entourage", standing with a tall dark haired beauty wearing White boots on the corner of Stanton Street and Bowery. Adrian was dress in all black and has cut his trademark Mop off, sporting a very short hairdo.

61st at Madison at 11:45. Hulk Hogan getting out of a black SUV, looking very "all-business-don't-approach-me". Headed right into a building. He isn't a huge as you perceive him on television.

Friday 12:00 Noon — John Leguizamo on 26th Street between 7th & 8th Ave — entering Chelsea Studio Building

My friend, MO and I were at Bergdoff Goodman on Sunday Dec 3rd at ~ 1 30pm and we saw Goldie Hawn! She was in the hat section trying on new winter hats! She bought two - blue and purple for her and Kate. She was dressed casually looking as faboulous as ever! Totally normal and took a moment to look around at the crowd while she was paying.

I saw Maury Povich walking along W 59th Street at 8th Avenue last night. He was in a peacoat and glasses, and Connie Chung was following a few people behind him, looking rather chilly. This was 12/2 around 10:30 PM.

Nightline reporter and Michael Jackson interviewer Martin Bashir at French Roast on 85th and B'way Sunday Dec 3 at around 12 pm. With one guest, ate quickly.