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How long will Sumner Redstone hold on to Midway games? Hopefully, long enough to give us a few more Photoshopped pieces like the one above. [NYT]
Lou Dobbs is sort of a dick. Also, there's an article about him in the New Yorker. [NYer]
Not that you care, but the government is pretty much at war with the idea of an independent press, and the government is winning. Oh, look, Britney's hanging out with Paris Hilton! Sorry, what were we saying? [NYT]
Rupert Murdoch v. Silvio Berlusconi: whose ticker will give out first? [NYT]
James Murdoch: Just as canny as his dad? [Economist]
Observer to go tabloid in attempt to appeal to women and their diminutive limbs. [NYM]
Slate's Jacob Weisberg would rather be online than anywhere else. So, you know, don't try and tempt him away with a real job, print people. [Guardian]
Don't be alarmed, but some people think Fox News may be biased. Just gays and Democrats, though, so no worries. [NYS]
Of interest only to British media junkies: Publisher Kimberly Quinn to leave the Spectator. Guess she ran through the roster of contributors. [Guardian]
Tyler Br l has hired an editor for Monocle. Nothing earth-shattering, really... it's just the Tyler Br l thing. [WWD]