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In case you needed scientific proof that all those skiing ads on Craigslist weren't really about the, er, slopes, there's now scientific (!) proof that New Yorkers are, in fact, the biggest cokeheads in the world. We won't go into the boring scientific process (besides, we don't really understand it, except that it seems to have something to do with examining "by-products"), but we will let the English version of Der Spiegel magazine tell us what's what:

Unless the appetite of the average American is considerably greater, present estimates of overall consumption are likely to be too low. Either there are more coke-heads than reflected by the official statistics, or they snort far more Charlie per year than yet realized.

More cocaine-tastic findings after the jump.

* New York continues its reign as the Cocaine Capital of the World. One is almost tempted to upbraid them for wasting the stuff. Nowhere did researchers find as much pure cocaine as they did in the Hudson River.

* Europe is catching up in cocaine consumption, with Spain bravely leading the way. The British and Italians also display a ravenous appetite for blow.

The details vary, though, from city to city. In Washington's Potomac, IBMP chemists found traces of an annual per capita consumption of 73 grams of cocaine, while the San Francisco Bay indicates an annual use of little more than 40 grams per person.


New York Blows Away the Competition [Der Spiegel]