Correction: 'New Yorker' Readers Totally Love Football

Yesterday we yelled at the seemingly boneheaded marketers who sent an email about a Rose Bowl trip sweepstakes offer to the erudite deep thinkers who subscribe to the New Yorker. "When was the last time you think a New Yorker reader watched the Rose Bowl, let alone wanted to go to it?" We were wrong again, though — and a reader helpfully corrected us.
To the editor:
I am writing to take exception to your comment about the dearth of new yorker readers who might want to go to, or even watch the rose bowl.
I am a straight, non-jewish male who reads your site with some regularity. I read the new yorker (that McGrath!) and leave it near my bed to remind the girls I take home of the voracity and breadth of my intellect. I also watched the rose bowl last year and will again this year.
Not only does he read the New Yorker and watch the Rose Bowl, he's not even Jewish or gay. We get the impression that this guy thinks he might be deported from New York City any minute now.
Earlier:'New Yorker' Marketing Dept. Might Want to Figure Out What This Whole "Demographics" Thing Is About