Kristanna Loken Insists Sound Of Michelle Rodriguez Shouting 'When You Coming Back To Bed, Baby?' Entirely In Reporter's Imagination

Kristanna Loken, who hit the public's radar somewhere around the time Arnold Schwarzenegger slammed her T-X deathbot's head into a toilet bowl in Terminator 3, was asked recently by The Advocate about rumors that she and BloodRayne co-star Michelle Rodriguez's mutual, vampiric bloodlust had spilled off the set and into their personal lives:
At first Loken, 27—who has a recurring role as lover of Shane (Katherine Moennig) on Showtime's The L Word this season—affirmed that she's in a relationship but wouldn't specify the name or gender. [...]
What about all the stuff that was said about you and Michelle on the shoot?
[Laughs, then takes a deep breath] There is the $64,000 question. Um...I don't even know how to answer that.It seems like you both had a lot of fun partying.
Uh-huh. [Smiles, doesn't say anything]OK, your silence says volumes. [Both laugh] Just don't look upstairs, OK?
Ooh, OK. You don't want me to print that?
You can print it. [Laughs again] The very hot housekeeper. No, just joking.
While Loken's response seems to all but suggest that she may have found in Rodriguez a skilled partner in tribadic crime, we'd caution that jumping to any sort of lifestyle conclusions based on the scant evidence provided would be entirely premature. After all, the "very hot housekeeper" lying naked and face down in the bedroom upstairs and moaning about a tequila-induced hangover might have been just that—a diligent cleaning lady taking a deserved break before attempting to attack the stubborn mildew stains in the adjoining master bathroom.