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Remember that New York Press cover story from four months ago? That we made fun of? Well, the AP sure doesn't. Yesterday, they broke the news that many New Yorkers get their weed, not from shifty-looking Rastas in Washington Square Park, but from "drug rings that operate with remarkable corporate-style attention to customer satisfaction." We'd ignore this article, or nominate it ourselves for GMiJ, but there was one standout detail that we just had to share:

One former customer named Lucia, a 30-year-old employee at an entertainment cable network, recalled blatant deals done at the company's Manhattan headquarters. Executives and employees alike would pool their orders as if they were buying lunch together, then await the arrival of a courier, Lucia said.
The cost was $60 for one plastic case holding two grams of marijuana — a steep markup, but worth it because of convenience and quality, she said.
'It was kind, kind bud," she said. "Yummy stuff.'

Where does Lucia, who apparently learned how to be a stoner from Jim Breuer's character in Half Baked, work? Oh where oh where? Tell us.

NYC Pot Dealers Making Home Deliveries [CNN]
Update: Omg, we cracked the case — details after the jump.

Commenter kikimonkey on the AP pot-delivery scoop:

My money is on MTV. I used to witness this all the time and if I'm right that Lucia person is definately hiding her real age..

We checked into this tip using the journalistic rigor that we're known for (ok, Google) and came up with this:

'I look at it as a pop culture destination because these kids have not really had their music or culture and what is really defining U.S. Latino culture on a channel 24 hours a day,' said Lucia Ballas-Traynor, MTV Tr3s senior vice president and general manager.

A little bit more hardnosed investigating (clicking) reveals that Ballas-Traynor graduated from NYU in '86, putting her more in the '41' ballpark, which explains why she still thinks it's okay to talk about "kind bud." Hey Lucia, next time you're interviewed about your on-the-job drug deals, you might want to lie about something besides your age. Like, say, your first name.