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As her detractors are more than happy to remind you, Senator Hillary Clinton is a woman of many faces. Perhaps too many for Middle Americans who prefer straight shooters.

Wait, did we say shooters? Because Maureen Dowd takes us down memory lane and shows us that behind the cross-wearing old nun fa ade, there's a party girl who took part in a "drinking contest" during a Congressional trip to Estonia in that crazy Summer of 2004.

Such is her drinking prowess that it's scared John McCain into issuing semi-denials about the Estonia incident and distancing himself from her in social settings.

So the vodka vivacity happened, but Mr. McCain's staff, eager to see the senator pander to what Jon Stewart called the "crazy-base world," put a stop to their boss's inviting Mrs. Clinton on trips. The former fighter jock and "scamp," as his mom called him, has become so lifeless and base-whipped that he is scared to be seen knocking back Stolis with a nice Methodist girl from the Midwest who wears crosses around her neck.

In Vodka Non Veritas [NYT Select]
Earlier: Sen. Clinton Totally Crossed Out