Cindy Adams Won't Shut Up About What She's Not Telling You

Yeah, okay, that Cindy Adams piece on Neaner: We didn't want to read it any more than we wanted to read the New York piece, but you people can be so damn insistent. So here you go: Cindy is friendly with the Pirros. She knew a lot of stuff that she wouldn't print because she's a good friend. Then Al went and blabbed to New York, so now she can tell you everything that New York told you, i.e., the Pirros have a troubled marriage, Neaner worries that Al is "doing it" to his lawyer's wife, Al swears a lot, mostly while he's eating dinner alone. You can sort of tell that Cindy's pissed, but not pissed enough to give you anything good. In fact, there are exactly two interesting things about this piece: One, an agitated Jeanine apparently speaks in the exact same clipped-sentence manner in which Cindy writes most of her items. ("I was a kid from Elmira. He was president of his law-school class. Won competitions. Made everybody laugh. We all knew he was a superstar. Dashing, charming, smart, brightest guy I ever met. And generous.") Two: The logo that they break out for a Cindy Adams exclusive is scary as shit.