Also, Tune In Because She Has a Vagina

With Katie Couric's ratings dropping back to third place, as is God's intended place for CBS News, the producers are pulling out all the stops to lure in viewers — and there's no harm in reminding everyone of Couric's highly feminine, all-American, Rockwellian wiles. From the Couric & Co. blog:
In another first for CBS News, the anchor and managing editor of the CBS Evening News arrived at work this morning bearing a home made apple pie. No one could remember this happening before. Ever. (As one of our colleagues noted: previous anchors were known sometimes to stew, and occasionally to grill, but not necessarily to bake.)
Seems Katie had gone apple picking over the weekend with her daughters, and decided to stay up late last night baking.
Aw. Katie's like America's mom. But is this a desperate, back-pedaling appeal for our love? Definitely. But still, it's better than Schieffer's "flaming bag of dog poo" surprise.