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  • An ABC News writer and ex-HP employee says Carly Fiorina (photo from Freaking News) is a lucky bitch who screwed up HP in a quest for personal glory. [ABC News]
  • The New Yorker's James Surowiecki notes that Hewlett-Packard boardroom leaker George Keyworth wasn't a whistle-blower or innovative thinker — he told the press about dealings with beleagured then-CEO Carly Fiorina as a political move. HP, though it did it wrong, was right to hunt him down. Keyworth, says Surowiecki, was destroying the trust that makes real board debate possible, and that could make the board unwisely fill itself with yes-men to compensate. [New Yorker]
  • Law professor Douglas Branson agrees that this fiasco destroyed the sanctity of the board, but he says HP should have just let Keyworth finish his term and quietly not renominated him. Branson wants to see California prosecute the indicted execs — hard. [Jurist]
  • Fiorina's description of "beautiful" D.C.? Not so deep. Wonkette blogger Alex Pareene tells me, "I don't believe she's actually ever lived here. The Potomac is hideously ugly, the monuments are a crowded clusterfuck, and sunrises???" [92nd St. Y]