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The Donald appeared Larry King last night, where he mused on pervy congressman Mark Foley, fired lackey Carolyn Kepcher, Martha Stewart...and Kevin Federline. While he didn't comment on K-Fed's moving work on CSI, he did explain how the little wifebeater that could eventually won Trump's bombastic heart. Apparently, it wasn't that hard:

KING: You've been quoted as saying that something doesn't look right between Britney Spears and Kevin Federline, what?

TRUMP: Right. Well, it just doesn't look right and here's the problem. I was really attacking him because I have a radio show that's a very successful show. You know it's like a Paul Harvey 60- second deal, the Clear Channel. They're great. They set it up in my office and I do it. And, I was attacking him and then somebody said, because, you know, I didn't he was right for her in all fairness. Hey, look what happened to her, she's a mess. So, what happens now is I heard the other day that his all-time hero is Donald Trump.


TRUMP: So, now what I said, "I think he's a great guy. He's fantastic." You know when somebody likes you, you say "Hey." So, I totally changed my mind. I think Kevin Federline is fantastic.

Rush Transcript - Interview With Donald Trump [CNN]
Earlier: K-Fed Conquers 'CSI', Ready for Mamet