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• Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie just might have called a truce, as the two dined together at a steakhouse last night. Figures Paris would take Nicole to someplace with food, where Paris could back her into a corner with all sorts of caloric manipulation and threats. It's like having a sitdown with Superman in a room full of kryptonite. [TMZ]
• Okay, so maybe Madonna did adopt a Malawian boy, despite her publicist's denials. UK rag The People says that if the boy exists, his name his Luca. And he lives on the seventh floor. [Page Six]
• Is Penelope Cruz a lesbian? If so, it might explain her willingness to work as Hollywood's most popular beard. [R&M]
• Four months after the fact, Page Six learns of Keith Olbermann's ex-lover's blog. [Page Six]
• It doesn't matter how much you pay Lindsay Lohan — if she's hungover, she's not going to show at your event. [SMH]
• For his final column, Lloyd Grove goes out with a bang: Horace Mann students use their Facebook profiles to write mean things about their teachers. Sigh. We're gonna miss you, buddy. [Lowdown]