• "Google Determined To Reintroduce Goatee To NYC." Incontrovertible photo evidence inside. [PSFK]
  • Audioblogger, the blog-by-phone service from Odeo, stopped returning my calls. Was it something I said? [Odeo via Kingsley Jegan Joseph]
  • ComScore reports that over half of MySpace's users are over 35— [ComScore]
  • —which one ad exec immediately refutes. [John DeMayo]
  • "Does anyone know anything about social networking?" asks a blogger at paidContent. Yes, he says, if we try modeling it after the oil industry. Gee, that's promising. [paidContent]
  • Naughty bloggers find instances of coders gone mad by using Google Code Search to find instances of "WTF" and "pray it works." [Supr.c.ilio.us]
  • Yelp is great and all, but why did it take another $10 million in funding? Where did the other $6 mil go, was it all stuffed down the g-strings of the girls getting wild at the startup's crazy parties? [VentureBeat]