Looking at the Look Book

You might know this week's Look Book victim in New York mag as The Mad Mustache of Midtown, but the fellow at right is actually attorney Louis R. Aidala, a guy who says he's so talented that he's acted as special prosecutor and a defense attorney at the same time — and he finds knives behind toilets. Recognize, people. Aidala won't say what influences his style, but he loves his a. testoni shoes and does express some concern over who'll properly wax his mustache for his funeral. Pleasant!
After the jump, Intern Alexis gathers Jackie Sibblies, Emily Gordon, and Sam Reich for some stylish cross-examination.
Jackie Sibblies, unpublished playwright
Since he won't describe his style, go ahead, describe his style.
"Buena Vista Social Club" meets "aging bachelor uncle you keep your eye on when he plays with the kids, especially the girls."
What's under that hat?
An extra can of mustache wax (for emergencies) and plastic gloves (for evidence tampering). Oh, and I suppose, a golden brain.
Who do you want to be wearing when you are buried?
Oddly enough, not only do I wish to be buried in a fedora and deeply discounted Italian leather shoes, the fear that no one will be there to "do" my mustache keeps me up at night. Perhaps Mr. Aidala and I could make a suicide pact that includes a mustache-"do"ing clause.
Lewis was apparently J-Lo's lawyer. Did she ever "do" his mustache?
Weekly during the "On the 6" era, and on special occasions to get in touch with her roots during the "Jenny from the Block" days. Wait, did that knife have anything to do with her dumping Diddy?
Since he won't describe his style, go ahead, describe his style.
Colonel Sanders/Mustard on a midday stroll to Belle Watling's parlor via the unreconstructed stretch of 14th St., with a little Victor Navasky for brio.
What's under that hat?
As you know, Bologna is a hotbed of Communism. Right on the Gorby spot, it's a port-wine stain of pure pinko mischief.
Who do you want to be wearing when you are buried?
I beg you, look behind the toilet bowl! It was a KNIFE goddamn it! I'll clank my ghostly chains forevermore unless you solve the mystery of my untimely demise. Where's that lawyer with the golden brain? Oh fuck, he's off shoe shopping.
Lewis was apparently J-Lo's lawyer. Did she ever "do" his mustache?
Hell yes, J.Lo taught him that dance move he's doing. You've heard she's pregnant? Twins, very waxy and wiry. The L.Aid/J.Lo affair had to end, though, because every time he said "You gonna beat that?" she took him literally. He was black and blue, and a. testoni were completely out of both colors, even on special order. As for any children Ms. Lopez may produce with her actual husband, they, too, will remember when Daddy had a beard.
Sam Reich, web producer
Since he won't describe his style, go ahead, describe his style.
Pirate Dick Tracy. His other outfit is a yellow blazer with a sown-on parrot.
What's under that hat?
Another mustache. There are four on his body. See if you can find them!
Who do you want to be wearing when you are buried?
Louis Aidala. Head to toe, though. No gay stuff.
Lewis was apparently J-Lo's lawyer. Did she ever "do" his mustache?
J-Lo doesn't "do" hair. Don't be fooled by the locks that she's got.