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You have to hand it to Anna Nicole Smith: despite the sudden, tragic death of her son Daniel just days after the birth of her baby girl, she seems to have made quite the comeback. Financially speaking, that is. Immediately following Daniel's death, she had Getty Images broker the final photos of her son and daughter, taken hours before his death, which were eventually sold to In Touch for a nice $375K or so. But that's not enough to assuage this woman's suffering! So last week, when she had her emotional, fake wedding to her lawyer Howard K. Stern (who also claims to be the father of her new child), she had someone whip out the PowerShot and take a whole new round of snaps. And wouldn't you know it, Getty Images came to the celebrity weeklies with 30 images, ready to broker an offer. The lucky winner? People, who is said to have forked over $1 million for the not-wedding wedding photos in a classy little bidding war (Radar confirms the sale).

So what's People ed Larry Hackett getting for his money? Pictures of Anna in a wedding dress with Stern, posing on the catamaran where they wed, and several images where sad little 3-week-old Dannielynn is being held. So what makes these banal shots worth $1 million? In one pic, Anna is supposedly holding the baby while wearing pasties. Apparently, they're saving the one with the titty tassles for Cookie.