• IBM will start putting its patent applications online, hoping to rise above the morass of the U.S. patent system. [NY Times]
  • The AOL users whose records the company released to the public? Yeah, they've started suing. [Associated Press]
  • God save us, Google plans to push Christmas shopping traffic to Google Base. It's Froogle all over again. [Search Engine Journal]
  • This "Will Sony go bankrupt?" article isn't great because it makes a good case (Yes, Virginia, there is a Sony and it will always live in our hearts) but for the wealth of probably-not-really-true Sony background info from amateur Nipponophiles, gamers, and other commenters. [Electric Sistahood]
  • Learn the next term that everyone will name-drop without really understanding: 4G. It means Fourth Generation Wireless, and it's as slippery as Web 2.0. [NY Times]