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As details surrounding the sudden, untimely death of Anna Nicole Smith's son continue to trickle out with all the comforting regularity of a Chinese water torture, and the LAST PHOTOS™ on the verge of making their newsstand debut, we bring you up to date with a Daniel Smith round-up:

· CBS News' Showbuzz is reporting the pictures went for a reported $600k, not the $400k number mentioned yesterday. In Touch's news editor Linda Massarella told The Early Show that when she heard the pictures were for sale, "my immediate reaction was we have to get them...It's an historic photograph for Anna Nicole Smith, who is an icon." Smith's former publicist, David Granoff, defends Smith's right to profit off them, saying, "I mean, she's not going to give them away. That's not the way the world works. What is she going to do, donate them?" []
· In Touch splays its triumphant get across the cover, with the promised "celebration" of his life coming in the form of a gigantic cover line reading, "LAST PHOTOS OF ANNA NICOLE AND HER SON." They also name specific drugs, reporting that Smith had prescriptions to Ambien and Lexapro—potentially a fatal combination. [In Touch]

· Both autopsies have now officially ruled out suicide and homicide. []
· Bahamian officials are now rethinking their plans for an inquest, pending the toxicology report results. Drawing room mystery aficionado Coroner Linda Virgill still strongly suspects the death was inspired by the nursery rhyme "Hickory Dickory Dock." [AP]
· Photographer Larry Birkhead is still talking to Entertainment Tonight—for which he is reportedly getting paid —claiming the baby is his, and that he was "shut out" of the birth. "'You know, it's hard for me to get excited about these pictures,'" he confesses. []