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TMZ is reporting that Dr. Cyril Wecht, the private pathologist hired to perform a second autopsy on her son, has now allowed that "it could be a drug-related death of an accidental nature," while an unnamed source tells them that there were multiple prescription drugs in Daniel Smith's system, not just the single anti-depressant alluded to yesterday. Wecht later went on an expletive-filled tirade against Bahamian Coroner Linda Virgill, who stands firm that the "cause of death is known," yet for some reason still doesn't feel so secure in her "Mr. Green with the lead pipe in the library" theory as to share it with the world.

NY Daily News J.V. Gossip Lloyd Grove, meanwhile, reports today that those last photos of Daniel with his mother and baby sister sold to In Touch magazine for $400,000. The third-tier celebrity glossy outbid even the deep-pocketed People magazine, and will use them to offer readers as much spiritual uplift as you can expect to buy for, as the giant yellow circle on their cover classily reminds you, just $1.99.

"There is an incredible amount of emotion attached to this story and the photos, and our story will be a tribute to Daniel's life as a well as a celebration of it."

I'm told that Anna Nicole has vague plans to use a portion of the money for a Daniel Smith memorial, and it wasn't clear yesterday what percentage of the proceeds Getty is taking as a commission.

But word is that freelance photographer Larry Birkhead — who claims to be the father of the newborn, reportedly named Hannah — also substantially fattened his bank account by cooperating with "E.T."

ETOnline posted part of Birkhead's touching, lucrative interview, though we can't seem to get it to play*. Making up for that disappointment, however, was their exclusive access to Christina Corigliano—a girl who, like Daniel did, also goes to L.A. Valley College and recognized him on news reports as that cute guy in some of her classes who she talked to a few times. "'I never got my date,' she adds with a sigh." We feel so much better having heard her story.

*The video appears to be working now.