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The celebrity gossip machine appears to have fully clued into the fact that they are a sitting on a potential goldmine with the death of Anna Nicole Smith's son—it's the kind of botched investigation story that just keeps on giving. First we had the official coroner hinting at third parties in the room, possible foul play and pending criminal charges, only to follow up with zilch on all three counts. Then came the independently ordered, second autopsy by "world class" pathologist Cyril Wecht, who so far sees nothing suspicious, but did reveal that Daniel was taking antidepressants at the time. (TMZ has video of him saying as much here, followed by some heartwarming photos of the covered body being transported.) People now has the latest incremental update in this not-developing story:

Wecht was adamant that Daniel was not suicidal. "Everything was well under control," he said. "There is nothing to suggest this was a suicide. The answer will reside with the toxicology tests."

The results of the tissue tests won't be ready for a few days and the toxicology results will not be in for at least two weeks, Wecht said.

While we were just joking about a bidding war erupting between Star magazine and their competition for those results, as a Gawker sighting today of Star editor Joe Dolce reminds us, a talented tabloid editor can squeeze three weeks of cover story exclusives out of one computer tear-sheet reading: "Traces of Zoloft detected."