Plenty (okay, two) of bloggers and journalists have accused the New York Times of not getting tech. Of course the Times gets tech — every thirty minutes from CNET — but some terribly untechy stuff gets lumped in with its mixture of consumer reviews and business news. For instance, the "Online Shopper" column by Michelle Slatella.

This image was lost some time after publication.

It's a great column, but there's nothing technological about online shopping now that eBay and Amazon are household words and over two thirds of consumers visit an e-commerce site during any given week.

Maybe it's an awkward play at getting more women to read this section ("Women like fashion, right? Add some fashion!"), or maybe the nuances of the sweater/jacket dichotomy really strike the editors as a technological dilemma. But adding some online storefront links to a fashion article does not make it a tech article.

A Jacket's Not a Jacket When It's a Sweater, See? [NY Times Technology Section]