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"They told me I needed to get on the scale," said one of the women, Kristen McRedmond, about her humiliating experience in a manager's office at Sutton Place Bar and Restaurant in July.

"I told them I'm not going to be part of your sick game," recalled McRedmond, 27, who said she physically resisted when a beefy manager tried to pick her up to get her on the scale while another manager looked on.

"I just felt so violated."

We don't see the problem here, as long as you carefully subtract the weight of the beefy manager from the scale's total. And look at fellow waitress Alexandria Lipton! She's just as large as those colossal Ozzie models kicked out of Vogue Australia. This is Fashion Week, which means that we only want to ogle women you could pick up out of an umbrella stand. Be that as it may, one intriguing aside from the same article:

They also claim that waitresses' individual weights were tracked on a computer spreadsheet - and the results placed on a Web site that tracked the weights of waitresses in other establishments in the city.

No way. Surely not. But maybe? If you know the link, please, please tell us.

Weightress Outrage at Pub [NYP via Metadish]